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Windows users:
Open the Command Prompt (CMD) or PowerShell and run: powercfg /batteryreport
This will generate a file named BatteryReport.html in C:\Users\<User name>. Please select it below. Upload and compare!

Battery User Data

# System Manufacturer Battery Name Design Capacity (mWh) Full Charge Capacity (mWh) Battery Life Score (%) Wear Rate (%) Estimated Battery Runtime (HH:MM) Uploaded By

Understanding the Typical Aging Curve of a Laptop Battery

A laptop battery, typically based on lithium-ion (Li-ion) chemistry, undergoes battery degradation that isn’t purely linear or exponential. Instead, most battery aging processes follow three distinct phases, affecting battery life and overall battery health:

1. Initial Phase (“Formation Loss”)

A modest but quicker capacity drop typically happens during the first few charge cycles or months. This drop partially results from manufacturing nuances and the initial burn-in process.

2. Long Midlife (Near-Linear Decline)

After the early phase, the battery tends to lose capacity at a relatively steady rate, often hovering between about 90% and 80% of its original battery capacity. Wear occurs from both calendar aging (time passing) and cycling aging (charging/discharging), yet overall battery life often remains predictable.

3. Accelerated End-of-Life

Once the battery health sinks closer to or below ~80% of its initial capacity, internal degradation speeds up significantly. Chemical changes, like increased internal resistance, trigger a steep drop in battery performance. The battery may lose large amounts of capacity in just a few months, impacting laptop performance and overall battery longevity.

Key Factors Affecting Battery Aging

Practical Impact on Battery Longevity

In short, the laptop battery aging curve starts with a modest drop, continues with a relatively steady decline, then accelerates once the battery dips near or below 80% capacity. Understanding these phases helps you extend battery lifespan by avoiding extreme temperatures, high charge states, and frequent deep discharges.